Dear travel bug, where’s your next destination?
A traveler’s next destination could be any place and any distance from where he is based – within his hometown or a city few kilometers away, on a neighboring island or far-away in another continent.
Going on a holiday doesn’t necessarily mean high-profile vacations in world-class resorts. It could be a day trip to a friend’s cottage in a nearby district, or a weekend at a relative’s house by the beach.
The journey to the place is made even more memorable especially if it’s your first time to ride a small boat or an airplane. For some travel bugs, it’s the companionship that counts the most, enjoying relaxing moments with friends and loved ones. Going home we bring back the stories about the time spent out of our comfortable homes, when we explored the world in another place even if it was just few miles away.
Wow! That is a great photo! Look how calm that water is. Beautiful!
Yup, the water was really calm that day. Those boat guys came over while I was busy writing on the sand. They asked if I would like to have a ride to a nearby island which is a marine sanctuary.